23 September 2018

Stamping Plate: MoYou - Halloween Style 456*


MoYou 456 is one of the square shaped plates measuring at 5.5cm by 5.5cm. It comes packaged in a cardboard slip sleeve and with a protective blue coating which you peel off to reveal the images.


This plate has many images on it, a collage style, all of the designs are Halloween themed.


Trying to show how well the images stamp across is difficult on a plate with so many images. However as you can see they all stamped across really well.

I like the a lot of the images and not sure I could pick a favourite image!

Here are some nails I have done using this plate;

[Orange Halloween]

[Moonless Night]

22 September 2018

Stamping Plate: Bundle Monster Holiday Collection H12 (BMH12)

Continuing to review of Bundle Monster 'Holiday Collection' which consists of 25 different plates.

BM H12 is a Autumn / Fall themed plate.


This stamping plate is backed with branded backing, so it doesn't have sharp edges, each plate has six images on them. This particular plate has two full nail images and four smaller images.


All of the images stamped across really well. From the plate, I really like the pumpkins they are so cute!

Here are some nails I have done using this plate:

[Acorn Nails]

You should be able to see all of the nail art I used this plate in here.

20 September 2018

Swatch: OPI - Desperately Seeking Sequins


Colour: Holographic
Finish: Glitters; hex and strand, in clear base
Opacity: One Coat Shown
Brush Type: Flat and Wide
How Much? 15ml

19 September 2018

Review: MoYou - Stamping Nail Polish - Forest Green*

Review-MoYou-Stamping-Nail-Polish-Forest-GreenMoYou Stamping Nail Polish - Forest Green

 This stamping nail polish is a polish designed specially for stamping which comes in a small cardboard box.

MoYou describe it as;
"Forest Green stamping nail polish by MoYou Nail Fashion is here to channel your inner nature side. Mix and match with our colours to create the perfect nail stamping manicure teamed up with any image plate style."

As they say you can use it as a standard nail polish, which I have swatched below;

Forest Green is a darker green shade which dries to a semi matte finish. It is good for nature type nails as well as Christmas designs too. The brush is flattened and wide.


I used this on the MoYou stamping mat to show it over a dark base as well as a light base and as you can see it does cover both lighter bases as well as a darker base.

I have used it in some nail art which you can see below;

[Forest Nails]

[Fern Nails]
