19 September 2012

ABC Nails: B is for Bee Nails Fred Butler Recreation

I saw these nails on The British Beauty Blogger Blog I had to try my hand at them. Marian Newman for Fred Butler SS2013, bee's with sharp stingers.

[Picture from R.Lanji at www.ryanlanji.com]


Nails are the same as clothes, if you look at any fashion show chances are no one is going to wear the outfits.  Designers take bits from fashion shows and turn them in to something wearable, in this case the nails aren't wearable this is just a recreation of something from the catwalk.

18 September 2012

Swatch: A England - Lady of the Lake (The Mythicals)

I used two coats of the polish and its wonderfully pigmented, 3 free, not animal tested, great bottle shape, brush is standard.

17 September 2012

Nails: Monkey See, Monkey Do - Owls

Monkey See Monkey Do Monday!
There have been lots of these on pintrest, I followed this tutorial

16 September 2012

Stamping on Sundays: Leafy

Last leaves of Summer 2012, and that is the challenge for today.

 Base Polish: ELF - Copper
Stamping Polish: Max Factor - Graffiti
Stamping Plate: Bundle Monster 321

14 September 2012

Nails: Autumn Feathers

I really a not too sure that summer 2012 actually happened here in England, certainly not where I am. 
Summer technically did happen, perhaps I blinked and missed it! Anyhow now it is September and therefore summer is officially over in the northern hemisphere.

A small feather found on my sofa, no idea how or where it came from but ideal size to stick to my nail!

Base Polish: ELF - Smoky Brown
Stamping Polish: ELF - Chocolate
Stamping Plate: BM214
Ring Finger Base: ELF - Desert Haze

12 September 2012

Swatch: Claires - Slice of Shine Glitter

This is a polish from Claire's Accessories, it is a hex glitter in a clear base. Blue and pink coloured hex glitter shapes, along with some fine silver glitter.

Claire's Accessories
£2.50 - 14.7ml