13 October 2018

Stamping Plate: Bundle Monster Holiday Collection H07 (BMH07)

Another review of Bundle Monster 'Holiday Collection' which consists of 25 different plates.

BM H07 is a Halloween themed plate.


This stamping plate is backed with branded backing, so it doesn't have sharp edges, each plate has six images on them. This particular plate has three full nail images and three smaller images.


All of the images stamped across really well. Depending on my current nail length the full images may or may not fit. Of them all I really like the witches shoes.

Here are some sets of nails I did using this plate:

[Witches Shoes]

[October 31st]

You can see all of the nail art I used this plate in here.

11 October 2018

Review: MoYou - Stamping Nail Polish - Emperors Gold*

Review-MoYou-Stamping-Nail-Polish-Emperors-GoldMoYou Stamping Nail Polish - Emperors Gold

 This stamping nail polish is a polish designed specially for stamping which comes in a small cardboard box.

MoYou describe it as;
"Emperor's Gold stamping nail polish by MoYou Nail Fashion is a warm copper shade, ideal for the perfect Christmas designs. This metallic colour will look beautiful as a base or for any Vintage style stamping designs. Try Emperor's Gold with our festive plates for a shimmering manicure".

As they say you can use it as a standard nail polish, which I have swatched below;


Emperors Gold is a warm toned gold. It is good for autumnal nature type nails as well as Christmas one too. The brush is flattened and wide.


I used this on the MoYou stamping mat to show it over a dark base as well as a light base and as you can see it does cover both lighter bases as well as a darker base.

I have used it in some nail art which you can see below;

[Sweet Treat Nails]

[Autumn Nails]

Swatch: Barry M - Dark Side of the Shroom (Sunset Gel)


Colour: Dusty Purple
Finish: Cream
Opacity: Two Coats Shown
Brush Type: Flat, Wide, Rounded Cuticle
How Much: 10ml
Comments: This dried on its own indoors, without the special sunset topcoat.
Also a very thick, quick drying formula.