24 October 2012

ABC Nail Challenge: G is for Ghoulish

G is for Ghoulish, so I may be pushing it a little with the Ghoulish theme here but I just had to share these nails. This is part of the ABC Nail Challenge being done over at Llama Nails. Originally they were to be entered in a competition but I must not have done enough stamping for that. Anyhow, on to the nails...

Anyone remember these?

Meg and Mog was originally a set of children's books, but apparently later on it was turned into a cartoon. I must be a bit old to have known about the cartoon but I do remember the books.

23 October 2012

Halloween Nail Challenge: Pumpkins

I totally tried to copy some of the nail art which the talented Robin Moses did, unfortunately I am no where near as talented and now half my pumpkins look cute where as I was going for evil!

Base Polish: ELF - Black
Holo Top Coat: Jessica - Holographic Topcoat

22 October 2012

Monkey See Monkey Do: Cherries

I saw these nails on Crumpet's Nail Tarts done by JustJade Bar. While I like these nails the original are far better, and I will be trying again to get them right. I thought I'd use a holographic base, shouldn't have tried being clever. Original nails can be seen here.

Base Polish: A England - Bridal Veil

21 October 2012

Sunday Stamping: Halloween

A lot of Halloween themed nails recently and today is no different! 

Base Polish: W7 - Metallic Mars
Stamping Polish: Stamping White
Stamping Plates: Bundle Monster 04 + 221

20 October 2012

Sat-ART-Day Challenge: Frogs

Supposed to be a frog but not sure it worked in the slightest.