8 November 2012

Review: Miss Sporty - GOTH ME UP Black Top Coat

Firstly a quick skittle set of nails to show the top coat over a range of shades. The concept behind this goth me up top coat is to darken things down and tone down neons and bright polishes.

The polish itself is a thin, almost watery black polish. Difficult to work with and particularly streaky.

Swatch: A England - Saint George (The Legend)

7 November 2012

ABC Nail Challenge: I is for Ice Lolly

This week as the title suggests is to come up with some nail art beginning with the letter I. I decided to do 'Ice Lolly'.

5 November 2012

Nails: Bonfire Night!

What is it they say? 
Guy Fawkes' was the last person to walk in to the house of parliament with honest intentions...

4 November 2012

Swatch: Color Club - Warhol

Opacity: Two coats
Finish: Cremé Neon
Brush Type: Standard
How Much: 15ml