7 October 2012

Sunday Stamping: Metallics

Base Polish: Kleancolor - Metallic Pink (158)
Stamping Polish: Kleancolor - Metallic Black (168)
Stamping Plate: Konad - Q1

6 October 2012

Sat-ART-Day Challenge: Tarts

I am part of a nail art group, Crumpet's Nail Tarts, the first challenge was tarts.

Tart, anyone?

4 October 2012

Swatch: Leighton Denny - Leading Lady

Opacity: Three coats needed
Brush Type: Normal
Finish: Cremé
Amount: 12ml
Price: £11

Halloween Nail Challenge: Black Cats

3 October 2012

52 Week Challenge: Black

October is Depression Awareness month, in America. The UK doesn't have an awareness month, just a single week which was April 17–24. Raising awareness is never a bad thing.

The nails which I have done are supposed to represent the darkness of depression, black, dark, messy, imperfect. Foggy, unclear thinking. The matte finish because there is nothing shiny to be found. Imprinted with a fingerprint as it can be hard to know who you are under all the black fog.

"At least one person in every six  becomes depressed in the course of their lives. One in 20 is clinically depressed. Figures suggest that it is women more than men who become depressed, but men may find it harder to admit to or talk about their experience. All age groups can be affected, and it’s important to take symptoms seriously and not to dismiss them as an inevitable part of growing up or growing old. By recognising and treating the symptoms and getting help, it’s possible to overcome depression, and prevent it coming back"

1 October 2012

Halloween Challenge: Trick or Treat!

First challenge from the Crumpet's Halloween 2012 Nail Challenge.

Thought I would go for a orange water marble, only my third attempt and there is a few dodgy bits but still looks quite 'trick or treat' I think.

Color Club: Wham Pow!
Sally Hansen: First Kiss