13 March 2013

Time Period Challenge: Jurassic Era

Another new challenge, this one follows on from the ABC challenge which I recently completed. If you want to join in then you can do here. This time it is based around various time periods. It's Jurassic Era this time which makes me think of Jurassic Park.

Dinosaur footprints

12 March 2013

Stamping Plate: Bundle Monster 03


This stamping plate is from the first Bundle Monster set, it is backed with branded lining to stop it from being sharp.


I found all of the images stamped well and I really like the four leaf clover design, and the heather / leaf one.

While when I am writing this I haven't done any nails with this design which I have uploaded, however if you are reading this at some other time I may have done some so click the link to check.

10 March 2013

Sunday Stamping: Plate Ending in 6

Really not sure why one finger looks a different colour to the rest! All of them looked the same to me. This is for the challenge using a stamping plate ending in the number 6.

Polishes: ELF - Lilac, Max Factor - Fantasy Fire
Stamping Plate: Cheeky CH46
Stamping Polish: Stargazer - Silver Chrome

7 March 2013

Swatch: Kleancolor - Blue Satin 37

This polish is quite different, I imagine it would be quite like marmite. As in some people will like it and others will not. This is because of the pieces of 'flitter' the strands of glitter. I managed to get this to work and only needed one coat of topcoat.

Opacity: Two Coats
Colour: Denim blue with holographic flitter
Finish: Glitter in the form of strands
Brush Type: Normal
Anything Else?  0.5fl oz

6 March 2013

ABC Challenge: Z is for Zippy

Today is the final of the 26 week challenge, the letter Z. I ended up doing Zippy from the TV show Rainbow. I think it was only in the UK and was doing the rounds during the 80's.


Base Polish: A England - Bridal Veil
Freehanded the designs with Acrylic Paints