14 April 2018

Stamping Plate: Bundle Monster Holiday Collection H20 (BMH20)

Getting back to the Bundle Monster 'Holiday Collection' which consists of 25 different plates.

BM H20 is birthday themed.


This stamping plate is backed with branded backing, so it doesn't have sharp edges, each plate has six images on them. This particular plate has two full nail image and four smaller images.


All of the images stamped across really well, I really ought to do more nails using this plate!

Here are a set of nails I did using this plate:


You can see all of the nail art I used this plate in here.

13 April 2018

26 Great Nail Art Ideas: Things That Are Round

Balloons are round, right?


Base Polish | A England - Peaseblossom A Fairy
Stamping Polish | MoYou - Special Nail Polish - White
Stamping Plate | Bundle Monster BMH20

12 April 2018

Swatch: Models Own - Chrome Mauve


Colour: Lilac
Finish: Metallic
Opacity: Two Coats
Brush Type: Standard
How Much? 8ml

10 April 2018

Nails: Glitter Lines

These nails were inspired by a YouTube video by Nona Philippa.


Polishes Used:
Glitter Base | ELF - Copper
Glitter | Sally Hansen - Copper Penny
Maroon | Jacava - Red Velvet
Sheer | Miss Sporty - Goth Me Black

Striping Brush
Striping Tape
3mm Rhinestones

9 April 2018

Swatch: Barry M - Butterscotch Sundae


Colour: Off White
Finish: Cremé
Opacity: Two Coats
Brush Type: Flat, Wide, Rounded Cuticle
How Much? 10ml

7 April 2018

Stamping Plate: Born Pretty Store - BP L049 (Arabesque, Vines Design)

I bought this plate in July 2017 and thought I should get around to reviewing it and more importantly using it!


BP L049 is one of Born Pretty Stores larger rectangle plates, these are 5.5cm. They come plastic backed, with a blue protective wrap and a cardboard sleeve.


Born Pretty Store L049 is a large plate which has 14 Arabesque, full nail images. All of these are designed for longer nails and for me they fit my nail length.


All of the images stamped across really easily, very well etched plate.

Here is a set of nails I have done using BPL049;


 Once I have used this plate in more nail art you will be able to see these here.

Also I have a discount code for 10% off full priced items.

Born Pretty Store